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Copy to clipboard

Sometimes you would like to use- or take a look at data from List Fields in other applications. List Fields can copy most of it's data to the clipboard.

Copy plain text from Field List- and Information Area

If you are in the Field List- or Information Area, you can just select any text and right-click. From the popup context menu, select Copy.

In the screenshot above, some text was selected, and then the right mouse button was clicked. Select Copy.

Copy the whole Information Area as both text and HTML

In the Information area, you also have the option of copying the whole information to the clipboard. Point your cursor at one of the keywords, and right-click.

This operation will copy the complete Information Area to the clipboard both as text and as HTML.

Copy the whole Output Area as both text and HTML

From the The Output AreaOutput Area, you use the same trick as for the Information Area. Point anywhere and right-click:

Again, both text and HTML formats will be copied to the clipboard.

See Also

Common features - available everywhere

High Quality Rendering of richtext

Follow the links - or - save and open files and OLE objects