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How to control what information to include ?

From the main debugging dialog box you can control whether to include System- and Lotus Notes Information or not. If you choose to include such information, List Fields will by default include many details about your system and Lotus Notes installation.

For many reasons, you might not want to expose some of this information to Voith's CODE. We fully respect that, and have therefore created a system which fully let you control what information to expose or not.

You may control what goes in the System- and Lotus Notes Information documents buy adding keywords to a registry entry. In the subsequent topics you will see complete lists over all available keywords to exclude.

How to exclude keywords ?

  1. Open the registry with a registry tool such as REGEDIT or REGEDT32. Remember, exercise extreme caution when modifying the registry!
  2. Navigate to the HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Voith's CODE/List Fields\Settings\Doer\Dialog\Debug.
  3. Modify (or add a new string value keyword if entry isn't found) the following keywords:
    1. SYSExcludeKeywords. This keyword contains a comma-separated list of keywords to exclude in the System Information document. See here for a complete list of keywords.
    2. LNExcludeKeywords. This keyword contains a comma-separated list of keywords directly from your Notes.ini file. Check out your Notes.ini file and add any of the existing keywords.
  4. Remember to separate the values with commas.

Below you see a Regedit sample screenshot:

Linked GIF File Template - All use Print image

Notice how the three System Information keywords Total RAM, IP Address and CPU ID are separated with a comma.

In This Section

System Information

Lotus Notes information

See Also

Solving problems - debugging

How to start List Fields in debug-mode ?