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What is the "Save" part in Replication or Save conflict ?

In all the sections above, you have seen Replication or Save conflict. So far we have only described replication conflicts.What is then a save conflict ? Basically it's the exact same thing, and Domino treat a save conflict in the exact same manner as a replication conflict. How can a save conflict occur ?

A save conflict would occur if multiple users can edit the exact same document at the same time on one replica copy of the database.

An example illuminate this concept: We have a customer contact database on a Domino server, and the database allow several users to edit the contact information.

Secretary A opens the customer document of Voith's CODE at 09:45, and modifies the telephone number.

Another employee opens the same customer document at 09:50. The document is already opened by secretary A, but this employee can't detect that. This employee updates the postal address of Voith's CODE

Secretary A saves the customer document at 09:55. The customer document is still open in edit mode at the employee's machine, but neither the secretary nor Domino detects this at this moment.

The employee saves the customer document at 10:00. Domino will detect that the document has already been saved while this employee was editing the document, and Domino will inform the user that this document will be created as a save conflict if he proceeds with the save-operation:

The reason for this behaviour is that Domino can't decide which of the updates to keep. The changes done by the secretary could be just as important as the changes done by the employee, even if it was saved first.

Again we see how Domino preserves data, and ensure that no data is lost. And again we see that we have to manually resolve a conflict.

See Also

Replication or Save conflicts

What is replication ?

What is a Replication Conflict ?

How to manually resolve replication conflicts

How Lotus Notes treat replication or save conflicts

How to avoid replication or save conflicts