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What is a Replication Conflict ?

Let's explain replication conflicts by using an example.

A customer contact database exist on a central Domino server at the head quarters of a company.

An employee has made a local replica copy of this database on his own computer. This enables the user to work with customer contacts while he's off-line. In our example, the user replicate the database and goes on a short business trip.

On the trip, our user discover that the telephone number of customer Voith's CODE is wrong, so he corrects it.

At the same time, the same error is discovered at the head quarters by one of the secretaries. The secretary also update the telephone number - now in the central customer contact database.

If we take a birds view, we now see that the telephone number of Voith's CODE has been updated in both the users local replica copy of the customer contacts database - AND - in the central customer contact database by the secretary.

When the user comes back to the head quarters, he replicates the customer contact database. This operation involves sending all local changes to the central database, and vise versa, receiving all changes done to the central database while he was away.

Since the exact same document now has been updated in both replica copies, Domino can't really decide which update is the most important. Is the change that the employee did on his local replica copy the correct change ? Or is the change that the secretary did on the central replica copy the correct one ?

Domino will instead create a replication conflict! This means that both versions of the change will be saved, and no information is lost.

Domino will decide which of the two changes that are most recent, and make that document the "winner" of the replication conflict. The other document will be made a direct response-to-response document of the winner, and thus be the "looser". Since it is a real response document, it will often show up in a view as an indented response document, such as in the sample below:

Linked GIF File Template - All use Print image

Note how the Replication or Save conflict-document is indented below it's parent.

If you open the parent document, you will see the the winner-version of the replication conflict, and if you open the document with the title Replication or Save conflict, you will see the looser-version of the document.

See Also

Replication or Save conflicts

What is replication ?

How to manually resolve replication conflicts

What is the "Save" part in Replication or Save conflict ?

How Lotus Notes treat replication or save conflicts

How to avoid replication or save conflicts