If List Fields fails on Windows 10 64-bit, then try to re-register two DLLs
Do List Fields crash on your Windows 10 x64 machine as soon as you try to start it? Perhaps you need to re-register a couple of DLLs again?
If List Fields crash as soon as you start it (and unfortunately takes the whole Notes client down too...), the reason might be that the setup program for some reason has failed to properly register a couple of DLLs for you. This can fortunately be done manually after List Fields has been installed. Follow the steps below:
Open a Command Prompt as Administrator
Open the Start Menu and type “cmd”. Windows will find the Command Prompt for you, and instead of clicking it and opening a normal command prompt, right-click on it an choose “Run as Administrator”;
Navigate to the C:\Windows\SysWOW64 directory - and issue the REGSVR32 commands below;
regsvr32 DXDBInsp.dll
You should see something like;
Do the same for:
regsvr32 DXDBgrid.dll
That should do it!
PS! If List Fields still crash, then ensure that your Notes program directory (where the file nlnotes.exe is placed) also is specified in your environment variable path!