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Field List Area Preferences

You can control how List Fields displays it's fields and values in the Field List Area from this dialog box:

Font used in the field area:

What is Fields- and Documents columns ?!?

When you change the colors in this preferences page, List Fields refer to Fields- and Document colors. See this screenshot:

Linked GIF File Template - All use Print image

The fields in the red box are the Fields columns, while the blue box covers the Document columns

You can Apply the colors at any time

When you have selected a font, size and any colors,you might test them out instantly. Press the Apply button to see your choices in effect! Don't like it ?!? Press Reset colors again ...

Reset windows placements

The Reset windows placements button will revert all window positions in List Fields back to original state. This feature is included to make you able to come back to the original state, if you have lost track of where all the windows are. In addition, List Fields sometimes experience small problems with window positions. A press on this button remedy that problem. All layout files will also be removed.

The button will ask for confirmation before it executes!

See Also

How things look

General Preferences