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NotesMenu element - one for each menu

For each menu you want to specify either in the Actions menu or in the context menus, it must have a NotesMenu element. Note that one NotesMenu element can be placed in both Actions- and context menu.

A sample of a NotesMenu element with attributes and sub-elements are;

<NotesMenu ID="0LNPK">
Notes Menu LauncherNotesPeek ...</
MenuFlags>NCM_IN_VIEW, NCM_IN_DOC</MenuFlags>






The ID is an unique key for each menu. You must ensure yourself that the IDs really are unique. The unique key will be used later to connect the selected menu with the real action to perform.

Also note that the ID will sort the sequence of the menus! If you have a NotesMenu-element with ID = "1ABC", and the next NotesMenu-element has ID = "0XYZ", the second NotesMenu-element will show first, due to element sorting in Notes Menu Launcher.

The sub elements of NotesMenu-element are




The name you want to display in the menu. Note that this name can be hierarchical, were each part is separated by a backslash. For example:

Development\Formula Tester ...

If you use that name in a context menu, it will become a cascaded menu like the sample below;

Notes Context Menu - Example 1

If you use the same name in an Action-menu, Notes Menu Launcher will only use the last part (Formula Tester ... in our sample)


Where should this menu show and when ? See below for valid MenuFlags-codes. Note that several codes can be combined in order to make the menu show up both in Action- and context menus.


A NotesMenu-element contains one or more Action-sub elements, specifying exactly what to do when this menu is selected. The InitialAction-element contain the name of the initial Action.


The timeout for all NotesMenu actions combined to complete successfully. If the NotesMenu as a whole take longer time, it will time out.

In This Section

Where to used a menu - the MenuFlags

See Also

The XML File

How Notes Menu Launcher communicates to the outside

NotesMenus - the to element

The Actions element

The Action element

The built-in NotesPeek Buddy