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How to download and install Ghostscript

  1. Go to the homepage of Ghostscript. Select either the APFL or GPL version of Ghostscript.

    Please note that these web sites often are quite large and sometimes it may be difficult to navigate in them
  2. Look for sentences such as "Obtaining the latest version of Ghostscript" or "download Ghostscript".

    Note here that there are several versions of Ghostscript available. You are looking for the AFPL Ghostscript.

    You will typically see multiple versions available. As a general advice, always go for the latest version! At the time of writing the latest current version is 8.50
  3. Locate the Ghostscript package for Windows

    The Windows installer typically has names on this format; gs854w32.exe.
  4. Download the Windows installer

    Remember where you store the installer program!
  5. Install Ghostscript on your machine

    By default the installer will only install the Ghostscript in the specified directory on the machine. Please note that this does not imply that the Ghostscript processor will be available for II2LN directly.

    The default install directory is C:\Program Files\gs\gs8.54
  6. Make Ghostscript available to II2LN

    When II2LN encounter one of the file extentions EPS, PS, PDF, EMF or WMF, it will automatically try to connect to Ghostscript. In order to make II2LN able to locate Ghostscript, you have to perform one of the steps below
    1. Specify the Ghostscript bin-folder in your PATH environment variable

      If you look in the sub-folder bin (if you installed to the default directories, this will be C:\Program Files\gs\gs8.54\bin), you'll see some EXE and DLL files. In order to process Ghostscript, your machine must have access to all these files.

      Add the C:\Program Files\gs\gs8.50\bin directory to your PATH environment variable.
    2. Copy the content of the bin-folder to a directory already in the PATH statement

      As an alternative to the step above, you can copy the EXE and DLL files in the above bin-directory to a directory which you know exists in your PATH environment variable, such as C:\Windows\System32.
    3. Use the SetGhostscriptProcessor import option

      As a final option, you can specify the full path and file name with the SetGhostscriptProcessor import option.

See Also

Support for EPS, PS and PDF files - Ghostscript Support