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Import an image from view context to the current document

The following sample will be implemented as an LotusScript agent and is intended to be launched from a Notes view. Declare the ImportImage function as specified here, and enter the following code in the Initialize-section of the agent:

' First declare everything and set the current database

Dim session As New NotesSession

Dim db As NotesDatabase

Set db = session.CurrentDatabase

Dim lRc As Long

Dim strFileName As String

Dim collection As NotesDocumentCollection

Dim doc As NotesDocument

Dim ws As New NotesUIWorkspace

' Ask the user for an image filename. Just accept one filename

filenames = ws.OpenFileDialog( False, _

"Image to be imported","All files|*.*|Jpegs|*.jpg",_


If Not(Isempty(filenames)) Then

Forall filename In filenames

strFileName = filename

Exit Forall

End Forall

End If

If strFileName <> "" Then

' Set up a collection of the UnprocessedDocuments, ie. work only with the selected Notes documen

Set collection = db.UnprocessedDocuments

Set doc = collection.GetFirstDocument()

While Not(doc Is Nothing)

// Perform the ImportImage function with the import option ReplaceWithVariable and Resize

lRc = ImportImage(_



doc.UniversalID, _




Set doc = Nothing

' Don't bother to process more than one selected Notes document

exit while


End If

See Also


Create an e-mail containing an image

Create a preview of PDF attachments