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Import Options

The Import Options specify how the images or URLs should be processed. Basically the Import Options is a semi-colon separated string with commands and values.

The command and values are separated by a colon, and if the command have more than one value, the individual values are separated by commas.

If you need to transport the separators such as semi-colon, colon or comma, you do this by encoding the values to &semicolon;, : or ,

Below you see a full blown Import Options string:


Without going into the extact details of each command, the string above specify the follwing:

  1. Set the log filename to c:\temp\vcii2ln.log.
  2. Set the log level to 5
  3. Inject a field with the name VCII2LN_ProcTime into the Notes document containing the processing time of II2LN.
  4. Resize the image to 640 by 480.
  5. If the image contains orientation information, II2LN can automatically rotate the image into correct orientation

When you see such a string, look out for the semi-colons. They separate each command and values pair. In the sample string above we find the commands; SetLogFilename, SetLogLevel, ProcessTimeField, Resize and AutoOrientation. Only the Resize-command has more than one parameter, and the values are separated by a comma.

See this chapter for a full description of each of the import options.

Note that multiple import options can be repeated during the same call. This makes it possible to for example overlay text on more places in one go!

See Also

The overall design

Function groups

Replacable variables